How to configure and test SAS post-deployment

How to configure and test SAS post-deployment

Log in to SAS

a. Open the SAS portal page by entering your management domain URL in the browser

b. Click the Admin login button at the bottom-right

c. Enter the admin credentials setup during the deployment process

Create test Accounts and Groups

1. Setup the necessary Device Models

Navigate to OS -> Device Models -> Create

a. Set the Name to B1, Unique to b1 and the Base OS Version to SecureOS 5.x.

b. Download the latest stable version of microG libraries from
c. Click on the Edit icon for B1 under the microG libraries section

d. Upload the corresponding file for each library
  1. Service Core Library = microG Services (
  2. Services Framework Proxy = Services Framework Proxy (
  3. Store application = microG Companion (

2. Upload the necessary OS versions

The download links for the OS files download will be provided to you by our team. You will need to download all files to your computer and then upload them to SAS. Complete the below for each OS Version provided to you:

1. Navigate to OS -> OS -> Create

2. For Device Model select B1 - SecureOS 5.x.
3. The Version code will correspond to the one on the file name. For example the file is the Version 5.3.0-20230629-B1.
4. Increase the Revision number incrementally for each version file you upload.
5. Under File upload the OS OTA ZIP provided. The naming convention looks like
6, Under File with MD5 upload the MD5 hash file that corresponds to that OS version. For example for the, the MD5 hash file is

3. Create a Test Visibility Group from Settings -> Groups

Navigate to Settings wheel -> Groups -> Create

Give the group a distinctive name so it's clear it's meant for testing

4. Create 3 Test Accounts

Navigate to Manage -> Secure OS Accounts -> Create button

Fill in the Required fields. Be sure to also se the Access Level to Power User. Do the same for the second and third test account.

5. Create a Permission Group

Navigate to Manage -> Permission Groups -> Create

Be sure to test the Group Name to the Visibility Group you created in Step 3) above and also set the OS Type to SecureOS 5.x

6. Upload the latest versions of Secure Chat and Secure Vault

a. Navigate to Apps -> Secure Apps

b. Click on Edit for the Secure Vault app. Set the "Available on the Follow OS" to the desired OS you will use. Typically it should be only SecureOS 5.x. Hit Save and do the same for the Secure Chat app.

c. Then click on the icon of the Secure Vault app to open the app's policy settings page. Scroll to the bottom and click on Create New Version.

d. Under File, click the Folder icon to upload the latest version of the app. The APK file should be provided to you and be named soimething like vault_app-securegroup-release.apk.
e. Once the upload is done, click the Create button at the bottom-left of the page.

f. Do the same for the Secure Chat app.

Test features on the new instance:

The below items should be tested before SAS is ready for end-users. Follow the Test Process to complete each item.

Test Items

  1. Device
    1. Enrollment

  2. Chat
    Test each item with 2 or 3 of the test accounts you created earlier
    1. Contact invite
    2. P2P message
    3. P2P call
    4. P2P file sharing
    5. Create group chat
    6. Group chat message
    7. Group chat file sharing
    8. Video call
    9. Conference call

  3. Vault
    1. Create Vault backup
    2. Restore Vault backup

Test Process

1. Device

1.a Enrollment: Create new account on the instance. Flash device with the OS version the instance will use. Go through the enrollment steps and verify all expected apps get installed post-enrollment.

2. Chat

2.a Contact invite - Log in to chat with 2 accounts and send out a contact invite from the instance.

2.b P2P message - Send and receive a message.

2.c P2P call - Place and receive a call.

2.d P2P file sharing - Send and receive a file attachment in a P2P chat

2.e Create group chat - Create a group chat with 3 or more participants

2.f Group chat message - Send and receive group chat messages

2.g Group chat file sharing - Send and receive a file attachment in a group chat

2.h Video call - Place a call and begin video sharing. Hang up, receive a call and begin video sharing again.

2.i Conference call: Place a P2P call then add another call. Merge the calls into a Conference call.

3. Vault

3.a Create Vault backup - Save a file in Vault and create a backup for it. Verify in SAS the backup was created under Backup -> Vault Backups

3.b Restore Vault backup - Delete Vault contents and restore them from the latest backup.

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